Sunday, April 24, 2016


This in another post that will hopefully help me next week when I am going to be doing a video essay on my overall progress as a writer.

What are some successes?

One of the biggest successes this week was making a product that I am happy with and am confident when turning it in. Another key success is the fact that I actually revised and re-read my essay. This may seem like something that you're supposed to do on the always, but I have a bad habit of just turning my work in as soon as I finish it, so being able to re-read it is definitely something that I would call a success.

What are some challenges?

A big challenge was re-reading my essay with an unbiased opinion. As I was reading it I found it hard to detach myself from the supportive arguments that I was writing because I obviously agree with what I'm saying cause thats what I believe. Another challenge of mine was creating a works cited because I forgot how to do it completely, but I eventually figured it out, so don't worry!

Next week?

Since next week is a whole new project I am a little nervous about exactly what it is I want do exactly, especially because it is a video essay which is a whole new territory for me. Based on this week, however, I feel like it will be slightly less work because it is just about myself so I won't have to do more research.

Overall Feelings?

I overall feel pretty good about this project because essays are generally things that I feel most comfortable with, but I also struggled getting everything I wanted to across so I hope that it will turn out well.

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