Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review 10a

For this blog post I will be reviewing David's Content Outline, reviewing and commenting some advice I would give as well as outlining what I learned from it.

Here is his Content Outline.

Overall, I feel like his content outline is very detailed and really outlines everything that he wants to talk about which will help him greatly in the future when he's actually producing the podcast.

One of the biggest comments I would say is to make sure the audio that he picks will come across in the podcast. I noticed he was picking pieces from SNL which often use a lot of visual stimulation as well as audio, so I'm a bit worried what he wants to come across may not be as successful.

Going off of that even a bit more, I think it would helpful for him to find exactly the seconds and exact links he will be using and put them in his outline because I do feel like that will be incredibly time consuming.

I feel like adding these two things will help David save some time in the long run, but more importantly I feel like these suggests will make sure that his content is successful in what he wants to communicate to the audience.

I used the Drafting section of the Student's Guide a little bit to make sure that David had key content points in his outline, which he did. I just amped up the content a bit to make sure it was more clear to the audience what he wanted to get across.

His outline was very well-developed and had many key details as well as how he was going to explain those key details in his podcast which I thought was very powerful and helpful. That is a key piece that I think I will add to my outline to give myself less work to do on production week.

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