Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review 12a for Marisa Kubacki

For this post I reviewed Marisa's video essay!

Here is her rough cut.

For this post I will be reviewing her video essay on the specific form that a video essay has and a little bit of the content.

Honestly, this video essay is already very powerful. Sometimes raw footage of yourself, speaking passionately about something you believe in, for me, is a successful piece of work. Marisa did a really great job with connecting with her audience and keeping them interested.

As far as suggestions go, I just have a few:

1. While I love the personal feel of her video essay, I would suggest maybe adding some pictures and animations to the less serious parts, like the quotes she used in the middle or putting some numbers up as she says statistics. I would also say that sometimes adding a bit of music in the background can  amp up the video essay as well.

2. I would also suggest adding a more creative title to show the listener what it is she is talking about before they start watching. I'm not too creative with titles so I'm not sure I could help with one, but make sure to not forget one!

3. Finally I would say to try to look at the camera more to give an even more personable feel.

Overall, it's a super solid video essay and her additions that she said she would do plus my suggestions should hopefully help her amp up her video essay even more.

I used pages 70-73 about overall peer reviewing from the student guide and also my almost obsessive watching of YouTube videos that helped me gain an understanding of video essays. Originally I wasn't going to include my face in the video essay, but after seeing Marisa's video, I think that it adds a sense of personality that I would love to include in my video essay next week.

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