Sunday, February 28, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Academic Journal

Yes, I went to the library. The U of A library where if you walk only two steps in one direction you are probably already lost. But alas, my friends, I have survived and found a Veterinary Journal that I can analyze.


Since this is an Scientific Journal there are multiple authors with too many names to count and if I listed them it would just bore you. Some of them however include R. S. Sellers who wrote a one paged piece on "Research Reporting: Doing the Right Thing" , J. Arzt who wrote a piece on "Infectious Disease" , and G. J. Krinke who wrote an article on "Mycoplasma Pulmonis and Lymphoma in Bioassay", to name a few. Each of these people seem to have their own area of study and do not delve into different sections of the article, sticking to their own path.


I would assume the intended audience for this journal is other people in the scientific field because as a college student just starting out as a Vet Sci major, I had a difficult time reading the articles because of the elevated vocbulary and specific pieces that I had no prior knowledge about. It is probably leaned towards other veterinarians in the same types of field, but there is some information that pet owners might want to know about, again if they have that elevated vocabulary.


Each of the articles revolved around pathology in animals, so they would usually analyze a specific disease in a specific place of an animals body and if there was a cure and how to cure that disease. There were written by many people, however, I was unable to find an issue that was close in time to this specific date and time that wasn't online. I got an article from November of 2010 and it was edited and reviewed by numerous of people, even dedicating a page to the people who reviewed the texts in the back.


The overall message of the journal was an urgency for people to understand the importance of knowing these diseases in every day life because your own pets could have them. It also showcased the importance of medicine in general because of all the interesting articles and cures that went along with each article.

The purpose of the piece was to inform other veterinarians of these diseases with evidence and results to potentially cite and see for their future. When you have a documented piece of evidence other people can look back and see the results to pertain them to the future.

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