Sunday, February 28, 2016

Academic Discourse and Genre

Looking further into the Veterinary Pathology Journal that I found in the seemingly endless University of Arizona library I found some interesting things.

1st Genre

There are two pieces in the front of the journal that are titled "Editorials" which I think is an
"Pathology" 17 September 2011 via
Wikimedia Commons
interesting genre in a scientific journal because scientific journals tend to be all fact. These editorials seem to be shorter than all the other pieces, have no pictures in any of the text, and are all opinion based with some references to things that other people said about a specific topic.
     Definition: An editorial in a scientific journal consists of a short work dedicated to those who want          the opinion of other scientist on a piece of debatable information

2nd Genre

Most of the scientific journal consists of something I would call a "Study" or "Case File" because it is a compilation of facts that have been done by either one or a group of people with hard evidence and analysis. Each of these studies have key subheadings that are all similar. It consists of an Abstract, Keywords, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion.

     Definition: A Study or Case File in a scientific journal is a very specified format that provides the information and evidence of a specific experiment that is done, specifically for the scientific world

3rd Genre

Lastly, there is a section at the end of the scientific journal that is titled "Letters to the Editor". These are exactly as you must be thinking. They are in a letter like format whith a signature line and everything, speaking to the editors about past journals that they greatly appreciated, had questions about or wanted to comment about something in the journal

     Definition: A Letter to the Editor in a scientific journal is in letter format that has a more casual-like feel than the other pieces, showing they comments and expression of their thoughts to all who care to listen

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