Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

In all honesty, I searched for a good amount of time and there was not one person in the journal that was on social media, I even searched for the Editor-in-chef because I assumed he's probably a big deal, but again, nothing.

I did find a lot of articles and even a letter from H. Gelberg who wrote a Letter to the Editor in the
Journal where he talked about his dislike of people who don't capitalize certain words in the veterinary science field. He spoke from experience, stating that he didn't understand why people in the veterinary field had such trouble capitalizing words that needed to be capitalized.

"Charles Babbage" 1871 via Wikimedia Commons
He believes in the fact that people in the veterinary field should be more elevated in thinking and should produce work that shows their background and multiple years of schooling. Since he wasn't really on social media, it is hard to write about but I can say that he seems like a person who is very detailed oriented and proud of his work

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