Friday, March 11, 2016

Production Report 1

Starting out, I am very technology challenged, so I will have my full clip of the podcast on all of the next blogposts because I don't know how to cut and paste things to here. Sorry in advanced!
Therefore, I used Soundcloud as a means for uploading because I don't even know what I'm doing.

Here is the full podcast, so to look at my specific section just look at the first two minutes to listen to the introduction.

Here is the original from the outline:

    1. Opening Message about what is coming up in the week
    2. Headlines/ News
    3. Tip of the day
    4. Talk about what will be covered in the podcast
      1. Genre Examples from the Veterinary Science Field
      2. Special Guests: Benjamin and Patricia

Audience Questions:

1. In a podcast the introduction is the determination of if people will continue watching or not, so I made sure the introduction was interesting enough and funny so that people watching would not be bored in the first couple minutes so they would continue watching. Even though I didn't really use every piece of my outline in the introduction such as the tip of the day, I still made it interesting and made sure people knew what was going to be in the audio.

2. The introduction was the first piece I recorded and the first piece I wrote out as a script. The intro took a while because I wanted to make sure the intro was funny enough, so I spent a lot of time on it. Since it was my fist recording I messed up multiple times, often talking to fast because I was nervous about how my voice sounded. It took me many many takes to get it but when I finally did I was happy with the end result. Furthermore, once I completed the introduction I felt more confident and found the rest of the recording to be easier.

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