Saturday, March 26, 2016

Editorial Report #2

This is another post dedicated to editing some of my work in the podcast that I did last week, this time focusing on the conclusion and ending transitions.

Here is the unedited version!

Here is the edited version! (Listen to the last minute)

The content of the conclusion changed because I took a good amount of the interviews speaking out because it felt like they were talking for too long for a conclusion. But as for the actual conclusion I, again, made it feel more relaxed and longer because it would be the last thing that people heard.

The form changed slightly because I ended with music instead of just my voice. This allows for people to feel a better sense of conclusion to the podcast because it ended with the same sound they heard throughout the video. the content is also portrayed more clearly because it wraps up the basis of the podcast in the end, again, giving people the conclusion that they naturally want to hear.

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