Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection of Pre-Production Week

This post is another honesty assessment of this week and how I did. This was, yet again, a busy week for me, so it was a struggle bus. One that I never seem to make the stop to get off for.

What were some successes? 

At the beginning of the week I was really unsure where I wanted to take the podcast because I really wanted to make the piece an interesting one. However, the more an more I thought about it and when I was in the process of writing the outline, I figured out how I wanted to set everything up and what pieces should go where. This made me feel a lot better about the project and I felt more confident in moving forward.

Another success was that I figured out Garage Band! I know it doesn't seem like much, but for me, ruining every piece of technology I touch, it was a very big accomplishment and one that I hope will help me in the future as well.

What were some challenges? 

One of the biggest challenges I had was time management, not because I didn't finish in time, but because I had so much other pieces of homework and tests going on that the pre-production week homework was something that I didn't spend as much time on as I hoped I would.

I also had a hard time finding some of the genre examples for the writing genres in my field because some of them are newer in usage. For example, I looked for quite a while to find examples of QRG's on the internet because they are one of the newer examples in the veterinary science field.

Coming Up...

I feel like this next week will be an interesting one to say the least. I have even more projects and midterms coming up so fitting time in to record and actually type out what I want to say will be a tricky business. However, since I feel more confident about what I am actually doing, I feel like I can accomplish a lot in this week.

Overall Feelings

Honestly, I am feeling a little nervous that I won't be able to completely finish the project in the amount of time that I've given myself because I am leaving earlier than the deadline, so I have to be done two days earlier. I am also very nervous that my podcast won't be interesting which is one of my biggest fears because there is nothing worse than listening to a monotone voice for 10 minutes.

However, I am feeling more prepared for this project than the last one, so I am less worried about the actual content for the piece because I believe I have all the information I need

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