Saturday, March 26, 2016

Editorial Report #1

This blog post is dedicated to editing my previously made podcast into an even better podcast! I did the editing process with my rough draft so the unedited version is very very rough!

This is the editing of my introduction~

Here is my unedited version

Here is my edited version (Listen to the first minute or so)

The content changed in my podcast for this editing part because I changed the intro slightly to get into a better atmosphere. I felt my intro was too short, so I made it more a more comfortable intro where people would ease into the topic because I felt that when you are listening to a podcast you would rather be comfortable and able to multitask rather than need to focus solely on the intro. I also felt like adding a name to my podcast which made my podcast, hopefully, more credible.

The form didn't change too much. I added a cute little song throughout the intro because I felt that just my voice was a bit boring. I also feel like adding a song allows people to fully enjoy the rhythms in a naturally speaking  voice. Without music your brain often tries to come up with patterns in a voice instead of focusing on the words. With a song, you already have the rhythm so it feels more relaxed.

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