Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reflection of Post-Production

This post is another honest blog about how I spent my time this week of post-production!


I feel like I already had pieces of my podcast that I wanted to edit and change so the editing process when smoother than expected. I understood what I needed to change and I changed it, so I feel that my process went quicker as well. This allowed me to really focus in on what I needed to change for the editing process. I also would say that a success was finishing the podcast with everything that I wanted to. Finishing a project you've worked so hard on is a good feeling.


Some challenges I encountered was life that got in the way because I went home for Easter, so I didn't get as much done at home that I wanted to. I also found it difficult to cut and past links into my blog post because I am naturally a bit untalented when it comes to computer skills. I went to many websites and still didn't get exactly what I wanted to do, but in the end it worked out.

Next Week?

Next week is a new project so I am quite hopeful that this one will go well because I am most experienced in writing a college essay. Based on this project, I want to do it similarly where I have key pieces in my rough draft that I want to work on for the next week. I hope to implement the same techniques, but maybe slightly better time management.

Overall Feelings:

Overall, I feel very proud of the work that I've done despite the cringing that happens every time I've listened to it. It definitely is like nails on a chalkboard to me, but at the end of the day I am happy with the work that I put out and was very happy that I was able to incorporate the interviews in the podcast!

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