Monday, March 7, 2016

Production Schedule

For this next post, I will be mapping out my previous post as to when I need to get everything done. This will probably be most helpful for me because when I make a dated list of things I need to accomplish, I tend to be more proactive about completing that list. So, lets clink glasses as a farewell to procrastination!

Write Script of Podcast

Due: Tuesday, March 8,2016 11:59pm

Location: If I'm lucky I can make time for the library, but in all reality its going to end up being my room in my bed.

This should either be typed out or written, but it should basically be exactly what I want to say for each section of the podcast and what pieces of the interview that I want to include since they would be like the co-hosts of the podcast. Only the words and not sound effects or transitions. I will complete this by looking at the outline from the previous post and create an interesting, yet informative piece.

Resources: Laptop, my wonderful brain, and time

Record Introduction and 1st Main Point

Due: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should include the actual recording of the pre-produced and written script, specifically the 1st main point and the introduction. It should also be a mostly edited version, but if it takes too long to add the sound effects, those can be added later on. This will be done by using the microphone of my laptop with garage band as well to plug in the sound effects and cut and paste pieces of the interview as well.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and my exciting voice

Record 2nd and 3rd Main points

Due: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should be much like the past piece of recording just with different material. This will be done with my laptop microphone, making sure my tone of voice is interesting since this is all audio. Furthermore, this deadline will be including more of the interviews that I conducted, so that will be need to be edited in as well.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and (surprise) my exciting voice

Record Conclusion and Last Minute Edits

Due: Friday, March 11, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should be one of the easier days and I should be a pro at it at his point. I will be reading from the script and adding edits of sound and clips from the interviewers throughout this part. This will be done through garage band and my laptop.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and (one more time) my exciting voice

EVERYTHING, including the blog posts should be DONE BY FRIDAY NIGHT at 11:59pm because the next morning I will be in LA! Spring Break here we come! <3

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