Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review 9a

This is the first Peer Review that I did for Tianna Jones!

You can find her podcast here.

I found her podcast to be very laid back. It felt like she was right next to me just having a conversation which I think is one of the most powerful pieces of a podcast.

I decided to do an edit on the form of the podcast which is giving positive pieces of the form and suggestions for making the form of the podcast even better.

First of all, I love how your podcast created a atmosphere of effortlessness that made the audience feel as if they were really there with you. You have a natural tone of voice that I think made me, among others, who listened to it feel comforted. I also could tell that it seemed like you didn't read off a script which I was very impressed by because I struggle with that piece.

Some form suggestions
1. I would suggest just overall increasing the sound of your voice and try to limit the background noise. I found that a study room was very helpful because there was no noise and my voice seemed to be picked up very well.

2. I would also suggest putting more of you into the form such as more use of sounds. I loved your introduction of yourself with the audio of the kids cheering. If you incorporated more of those pieces I feel your form would be even better.

I used the 70-73 pages in A Student's Guide to First-Year Writing to help make my suggestions more helpful because I definitely tend to make them a little generic because I don't like to criticize too much.

I learned a lot from listening to Tianna's podcast, but the main thing was the way she spoke as if she was having a conversation. It was very powerful to me and something I will try to replicate in the future.

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