Friday, March 11, 2016

Production Update 2

Here is another production update where I will again be posting the full clip because I have no idea how to post a small clip.

Here it is!

After the introduction was the 1st main genre:

  1. 1st Genre Example: Veterinary Scientific Journal Article
    1. Most common of the genres (Explain the key parts to this genre)
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
      2. This is important because this shows the very common way the info is put out into the world
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
This is important because this shows the different sections and conventions that an article has

Audience Questions:

1. The conventions of a podcast helped this section run smoothly because it is all about describing the pieces of your evidence through your voice, so I was able to do this more for this section. This section was also nice to transfer from the outline because I had the hyperlinks. The form of the podcast allowed also for this section to run smoothly right after the introduction.

2. With this section of the podcast, there was not too much problems with the actual recording part because I did it before, however I found this to be hard to translate with the transitions that I wanted to do. I found that the best way to showcase this genre was to name the important conventions first then talk about the genre examples and how they showed those conventions.

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