Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review 9b

This is my second post dedicated to a peer review of a person in a different class

I decided to review Ben Macklin's Quick Reference Guide because I previously did a Quick Reference Guide, so I felt I could help out!

Here is where you can check out his QRG.

Firstly, I want to say that your content seems to be very well detailed and thought out. I think that if you added small elements of design, the QRG would really come to life, thats why I chose to do a copy-editing suggestion, specifically focusing on adding design elements.

Here are some suggestions:

1.Since your QRG is "Tips for Beginners", you should include that in your design elements, maybe adding colored text boxes on the side that say "Tip #1.....etc.." with some useful information that could make the designs connect together.

2. Adding color in general is something that I would also recommend. That could be in the form of pictures or making your headings match a theme color throughout the QRG.

3. Finally I think that you could also make your sub headings and headings in general stand out even more by making them bigger or, again, a different color.

When peer reviewing, I used the genre examples given for the Quick Reference Guide as well as the Student's guide to First-Year Writing pages 70-73 to elevate my peer review feedback.

From Ben, I think I learned the power of a good title. I feel like he had a really great title that made me want to read further!

Peer Review 9a

This is the first Peer Review that I did for Tianna Jones!

You can find her podcast here.

I found her podcast to be very laid back. It felt like she was right next to me just having a conversation which I think is one of the most powerful pieces of a podcast.

I decided to do an edit on the form of the podcast which is giving positive pieces of the form and suggestions for making the form of the podcast even better.

First of all, I love how your podcast created a atmosphere of effortlessness that made the audience feel as if they were really there with you. You have a natural tone of voice that I think made me, among others, who listened to it feel comforted. I also could tell that it seemed like you didn't read off a script which I was very impressed by because I struggle with that piece.

Some form suggestions
1. I would suggest just overall increasing the sound of your voice and try to limit the background noise. I found that a study room was very helpful because there was no noise and my voice seemed to be picked up very well.

2. I would also suggest putting more of you into the form such as more use of sounds. I loved your introduction of yourself with the audio of the kids cheering. If you incorporated more of those pieces I feel your form would be even better.

I used the 70-73 pages in A Student's Guide to First-Year Writing to help make my suggestions more helpful because I definitely tend to make them a little generic because I don't like to criticize too much.

I learned a lot from listening to Tianna's podcast, but the main thing was the way she spoke as if she was having a conversation. It was very powerful to me and something I will try to replicate in the future.

Reflection of Post-Production

This post is another honest blog about how I spent my time this week of post-production!


I feel like I already had pieces of my podcast that I wanted to edit and change so the editing process when smoother than expected. I understood what I needed to change and I changed it, so I feel that my process went quicker as well. This allowed me to really focus in on what I needed to change for the editing process. I also would say that a success was finishing the podcast with everything that I wanted to. Finishing a project you've worked so hard on is a good feeling.


Some challenges I encountered was life that got in the way because I went home for Easter, so I didn't get as much done at home that I wanted to. I also found it difficult to cut and past links into my blog post because I am naturally a bit untalented when it comes to computer skills. I went to many websites and still didn't get exactly what I wanted to do, but in the end it worked out.

Next Week?

Next week is a new project so I am quite hopeful that this one will go well because I am most experienced in writing a college essay. Based on this project, I want to do it similarly where I have key pieces in my rough draft that I want to work on for the next week. I hope to implement the same techniques, but maybe slightly better time management.

Overall Feelings:

Overall, I feel very proud of the work that I've done despite the cringing that happens every time I've listened to it. It definitely is like nails on a chalkboard to me, but at the end of the day I am happy with the work that I put out and was very happy that I was able to incorporate the interviews in the podcast!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Editorial Report #2

This is another post dedicated to editing some of my work in the podcast that I did last week, this time focusing on the conclusion and ending transitions.

Here is the unedited version!

Here is the edited version! (Listen to the last minute)

The content of the conclusion changed because I took a good amount of the interviews speaking out because it felt like they were talking for too long for a conclusion. But as for the actual conclusion I, again, made it feel more relaxed and longer because it would be the last thing that people heard.

The form changed slightly because I ended with music instead of just my voice. This allows for people to feel a better sense of conclusion to the podcast because it ended with the same sound they heard throughout the video. the content is also portrayed more clearly because it wraps up the basis of the podcast in the end, again, giving people the conclusion that they naturally want to hear.

Editorial Report #1

This blog post is dedicated to editing my previously made podcast into an even better podcast! I did the editing process with my rough draft so the unedited version is very very rough!

This is the editing of my introduction~

Here is my unedited version

Here is my edited version (Listen to the first minute or so)

The content changed in my podcast for this editing part because I changed the intro slightly to get into a better atmosphere. I felt my intro was too short, so I made it more a more comfortable intro where people would ease into the topic because I felt that when you are listening to a podcast you would rather be comfortable and able to multitask rather than need to focus solely on the intro. I also felt like adding a name to my podcast which made my podcast, hopefully, more credible.

The form didn't change too much. I added a cute little song throughout the intro because I felt that just my voice was a bit boring. I also feel like adding a song allows people to fully enjoy the rhythms in a naturally speaking  voice. Without music your brain often tries to come up with patterns in a voice instead of focusing on the words. With a song, you already have the rhythm so it feels more relaxed.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Rough Cut of my Podcast

This is the last post of the week and the last post until SPRING BREAK for me! Its my full podcast (like every other cut) and is a rough draft.

Here it is!

Firstly, I just want to warn everyone that this is definitely a rough draft. It is filled with many pieces of my awkward voice. Sometimes there are moments where I stutter or pause at awkward parts, so it seems rough at some points. There are also some awkward transitions where I'm not sure how to integrate my interview pieces in certain areas. The transitions I feel are the worst part of the rough draft at this point because of the awkward pauses and inserts of the interviews.

Some good pieces of the rough cut are that I think that I have all the elements that I need to prove the importance of the different genres. I also feel that I have a solid introduction and conclusion that wrap up the ideas together so that the podcast seems more put together

Another Honest Assessment of my Time

Here is another honest assessment of this Production Week!

Some Successes

This week was one of those weeks that was neither really successful or really terrible. I found that actually recording the podcast was a successful event because I took the time to plan out the outline, so when I was writing the script and recording it it seemed to come naturally. I was really happy that this happened because all my mind was thinking about was spring break!

Another success was that I was able to make a rough draft that is pretty much complete so that next week I would just need to edit some of the material based on the reviews I get from my peers. I also did it in garage band, so the editing process for next week should also go smoothly.

Some Challenges

A big challenge of mine was time management because even though I thought I would follow the schedule, I ended up doing all of the podcast yesterday because I needed to finish it today. So, tonight I am scrambling to complete the blog posts tonight among my large amounts of other homework that are also due in the upcoming week.

Another challenge was the beginnings of figuring out garage band. I didn't factor in the time I needed to actually understand everything garageband could do, so that took a large chuck of time when I could be recording the podcast

Next Week?

As I mentioned previously I feel that next week will be running more smoothly because eI now understand garage band and I feel like editing the material will work out better. I am also happy that the big lead of work is behind be so I feel next weeks material will be more manageable than this week.

Feelings Overall:

I honestly feel good about this project at this point, I definitely could have managed my time better this week, but once I got the finished product I felt very good about it. I worked very hard on this project and tried to put my best efforts into the rough draft so when I started the work for the next week, I would have a good foundation.

Production Update 2

Here is another production update where I will again be posting the full clip because I have no idea how to post a small clip.

Here it is!

After the introduction was the 1st main genre:

  1. 1st Genre Example: Veterinary Scientific Journal Article
    1. Most common of the genres (Explain the key parts to this genre)
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
      2. This is important because this shows the very common way the info is put out into the world
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
This is important because this shows the different sections and conventions that an article has

Audience Questions:

1. The conventions of a podcast helped this section run smoothly because it is all about describing the pieces of your evidence through your voice, so I was able to do this more for this section. This section was also nice to transfer from the outline because I had the hyperlinks. The form of the podcast allowed also for this section to run smoothly right after the introduction.

2. With this section of the podcast, there was not too much problems with the actual recording part because I did it before, however I found this to be hard to translate with the transitions that I wanted to do. I found that the best way to showcase this genre was to name the important conventions first then talk about the genre examples and how they showed those conventions.

Production Report 1

Starting out, I am very technology challenged, so I will have my full clip of the podcast on all of the next blogposts because I don't know how to cut and paste things to here. Sorry in advanced!
Therefore, I used Soundcloud as a means for uploading because I don't even know what I'm doing.

Here is the full podcast, so to look at my specific section just look at the first two minutes to listen to the introduction.

Here is the original from the outline:

    1. Opening Message about what is coming up in the week
    2. Headlines/ News
    3. Tip of the day
    4. Talk about what will be covered in the podcast
      1. Genre Examples from the Veterinary Science Field
      2. Special Guests: Benjamin and Patricia

Audience Questions:

1. In a podcast the introduction is the determination of if people will continue watching or not, so I made sure the introduction was interesting enough and funny so that people watching would not be bored in the first couple minutes so they would continue watching. Even though I didn't really use every piece of my outline in the introduction such as the tip of the day, I still made it interesting and made sure people knew what was going to be in the audio.

2. The introduction was the first piece I recorded and the first piece I wrote out as a script. The intro took a while because I wanted to make sure the intro was funny enough, so I spent a lot of time on it. Since it was my fist recording I messed up multiple times, often talking to fast because I was nervous about how my voice sounded. It took me many many takes to get it but when I finally did I was happy with the end result. Furthermore, once I completed the introduction I felt more confident and found the rest of the recording to be easier.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reflection of Pre-Production Week

This post is another honesty assessment of this week and how I did. This was, yet again, a busy week for me, so it was a struggle bus. One that I never seem to make the stop to get off for.

What were some successes? 

At the beginning of the week I was really unsure where I wanted to take the podcast because I really wanted to make the piece an interesting one. However, the more an more I thought about it and when I was in the process of writing the outline, I figured out how I wanted to set everything up and what pieces should go where. This made me feel a lot better about the project and I felt more confident in moving forward.

Another success was that I figured out Garage Band! I know it doesn't seem like much, but for me, ruining every piece of technology I touch, it was a very big accomplishment and one that I hope will help me in the future as well.

What were some challenges? 

One of the biggest challenges I had was time management, not because I didn't finish in time, but because I had so much other pieces of homework and tests going on that the pre-production week homework was something that I didn't spend as much time on as I hoped I would.

I also had a hard time finding some of the genre examples for the writing genres in my field because some of them are newer in usage. For example, I looked for quite a while to find examples of QRG's on the internet because they are one of the newer examples in the veterinary science field.

Coming Up...

I feel like this next week will be an interesting one to say the least. I have even more projects and midterms coming up so fitting time in to record and actually type out what I want to say will be a tricky business. However, since I feel more confident about what I am actually doing, I feel like I can accomplish a lot in this week.

Overall Feelings

Honestly, I am feeling a little nervous that I won't be able to completely finish the project in the amount of time that I've given myself because I am leaving earlier than the deadline, so I have to be done two days earlier. I am also very nervous that my podcast won't be interesting which is one of my biggest fears because there is nothing worse than listening to a monotone voice for 10 minutes.

However, I am feeling more prepared for this project than the last one, so I am less worried about the actual content for the piece because I believe I have all the information I need

Monday, March 7, 2016

Production Schedule

For this next post, I will be mapping out my previous post as to when I need to get everything done. This will probably be most helpful for me because when I make a dated list of things I need to accomplish, I tend to be more proactive about completing that list. So, lets clink glasses as a farewell to procrastination!

Write Script of Podcast

Due: Tuesday, March 8,2016 11:59pm

Location: If I'm lucky I can make time for the library, but in all reality its going to end up being my room in my bed.

This should either be typed out or written, but it should basically be exactly what I want to say for each section of the podcast and what pieces of the interview that I want to include since they would be like the co-hosts of the podcast. Only the words and not sound effects or transitions. I will complete this by looking at the outline from the previous post and create an interesting, yet informative piece.

Resources: Laptop, my wonderful brain, and time

Record Introduction and 1st Main Point

Due: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should include the actual recording of the pre-produced and written script, specifically the 1st main point and the introduction. It should also be a mostly edited version, but if it takes too long to add the sound effects, those can be added later on. This will be done by using the microphone of my laptop with garage band as well to plug in the sound effects and cut and paste pieces of the interview as well.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and my exciting voice

Record 2nd and 3rd Main points

Due: Thursday, March 10, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should be much like the past piece of recording just with different material. This will be done with my laptop microphone, making sure my tone of voice is interesting since this is all audio. Furthermore, this deadline will be including more of the interviews that I conducted, so that will be need to be edited in as well.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and (surprise) my exciting voice

Record Conclusion and Last Minute Edits

Due: Friday, March 11, 2016 11:59pm

Location: Quiet Study Room in Arbol

This should be one of the easier days and I should be a pro at it at his point. I will be reading from the script and adding edits of sound and clips from the interviewers throughout this part. This will be done through garage band and my laptop.

Resources: Laptop, Garage Band, and (one more time) my exciting voice

EVERYTHING, including the blog posts should be DONE BY FRIDAY NIGHT at 11:59pm because the next morning I will be in LA! Spring Break here we come! <3

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Content Outline

Content Outline-Project 2

Before starting the long process of listening to my annoying voice in a podcast over and over again as I edit it, I need to actually figure out what I am going to say in the Podcast and here is the outline of that.

*Start with opening jingle*

  1. Intro
    1. Opening Message about what is coming up in the week
    2. Headlines/ News
    3. Tip of the day
    4. Talk about what will be covered in the podcast
      1. Genre Examples from the Veterinary Science Field
      2. Special Guests: Benjamin and Patricia
  2. Special Guests will be leading through the podcast, talking about each of the specific examples, so introducing them would be here and starting the conversation.
  3. 1st Genre Example: Veterinary Scientific Journal Article
    1. Most common of the genres (Explain the key parts to this genre)
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
      2. This is important because this shows the very common way the info is put out into the world
      1. Shows the highly educated audience, the very specific content, and the multiple authors as well
      2. This is important because this shows the different sections and conventions that an article has
  4. 2nd Genre Example: Veterinary Science Book
    1. Another common outlet, and similar to the other genre
      1. This shows the context of the books and the contrast between the last genre
      2. Important because it shows the different conventions and highly quality of a book
      1. This is a little more informal and a more personal novel which gives the way for a difference in tone and difference in subject matter that is easier to understand
      2. This shows that a vet sci novel can have different conventions and have a different tone while still being important
  5. 3rd Genre Example: Veterinary Science QRG
    1. Newer outlet to scientific research in general
      1. Evidence proves the differences in audience as well as content of the document and more importantly conventions
      2. This is a very interactive looking type of genre and is most appealing to students
      1. This evidence should the colorful way a QRG can be as well as easy to read for the scientific community as well as members not in the scientific community
      2. This is important because it shows a good contrast and the key parts of a QRG in the scientific community
  6. Conclusion
    1. Overview and key points
    2. The point and importance of this blog post is to show the importance of showing the veterinary science field to the world as well as to show there are multiple ways to show the information needed to comunities
    3. Closing Statement
*End Jingle*