Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review for Amorah

This post is for a peer review for Amorah Pratt.

Here is her rough draft!

Amorah's video essay I feel is very unique and she obviously spent a large amount of time on it. It is one that I was very interested to read and one that I think stands out because of its uniqueness. I will be commenting a bit on form but more on content than anything
Some suggestions:
1. I would just say to make sure you have a creative title for your video essay because it will make the form even better than it already is.
2. I know you wanted to focus on time management, but I would also focus on the class as a whole and how you grew from it in connection with your time management because I think it would make your content even stronger.

I hope my comments helped and I used the information from 70-73 of the Student Guide to do this peer review. I learned a lot from Amorah's video essay, but one in particular is her specific way to approaching it through drawing. I thought it was very strong and interesting.

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