Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Project Questions, Fears, and Excitements

1. I'm going to be straight up with you. I am not the best at long-term projects. I do better with guided  projects or everyday assignments. There's something with a long term project, in general, that makes me nervous. It's either the unstructured aspect of it or the fact that I could do so many things, that choosing what to do is overwhelming. But as far as specifics go, I am most nervous about conducting interviews because I'm not sure what questions to ask or how to transcribe the material used. I am also a generally awkward person, so speaking to a person I have not met before will be an interesting experience.

2. I am most excited about researching for my topic in Project #1 and Project #3 because I genuinely enjoy research. More importantly, I am an undecided major, so I'm hoping my inclination towards veterinary science will be solidified through the research of topics surrounding it. I am very interested  also in the idea of speaking about a public controversy in today's society, so I believe Project #3 will be the most exciting for me.

3. I will need to fully prepare and research ahead of time what specifically I want my topic to be because I always have a difficult time choosing a topic. I also have to set up the interviews ahead of time so that there will be no issue in obtaining the information. Researching is always a tricky time management piece because there is not limit to research, so it is harder to plan that piece of the projects.

4. In my high school career, I did have many long term projects, so I will be drawing upon the time management skills I used in the previous projects for these projects. Every 3rd Quarter we would have a 10 minute presentation on a specific event that we had been researching that quarter, so I will use the resources from those projects in these ones.

5. For project #2, I was wondering if it was 100% research or if it was appropriate to add my own opinion?


After reading David and Tianna's blog posts, I realized that many of us are nervous about the interview and the large amount of research that we will need to be doing in the future. I found myself agreeing and having most of the same fears and excitements as many of the other people's posts I read, which I was grateful for. Reading these two blog posts also lest me feeling like the four projects were a little less intimidating because many people felt the same way about them.


  1. Sienna, I can relate completely to not being able to do long-term projects. I struggle with managing my time too. I wish I was as excited for Project 3 as you are! I think that one will be the most challenging for me. I hope this course helps you find your major as well! Lastly, I would suggest that you add a picture in your post to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Other than that this was a great post!

  2. I really like how much personality you put into your blog post. I also think its great that your going to use project three to find your major. And I too was wondering that for project 2.

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
