Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Twitter and What I Found There

"I've never been on the phone with my mom for an hour straight until college #missinghome" -@siennatheblonde

Yes, that was a real tweet. Yes, its true. My mom is basically number one on my speed dial and number one in my heart. On a more serious note, twitter is a place where you can find very interesting information about interesting debates or topics because there are so many people on twitter who love to speak their mind. Specifically for my area of study, Veterinary Science, there are many people talking about their careers and events in the field.

There are many twitter accounts that give interesting information and discussion on certain this in the vet sic field such as @VeterinaryScien and @MedDiagnosis. In these twitter accounts they talk about the importance and problems with vaccines, viruses that animals can have, descriptions of certain careers, and many different types of research that certain people are doing. There is one particular tweet that hyperlinked to an article about auditory plasticty in deaf dogs and their responses when compared to healthy dogs.

The twitter account @VeterinaryScien, is one of the most interesting accounts I found that had many articles that would link to Facebook discussions or informative about specific research such as this post about the deaf dogs I spoke about earlier. This interested me because it was a very specific research that they did and one that allowed me to understand the type of work they liked. Another twitter account did the same type of research based tweets. Called Simport Scientific, this twitter had only one post connecting the veterinary science world with the products that they made. A specific article they linked too was very interesting because of this unique research connection.

Overall, I saw that my discipline was very well versed in technology and also had very interesting pieces that they were talking about. There were more relatable posts than I thought there would be and I found it surprising that they used hashtags as well. I wasn't surprised, however, by the material because a lot of the tweets were about research and careers in the field and what being a veterinarian is about. 

"Austin Community College" 10 November 2014 via fliker. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

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