Sunday, May 1, 2016

Content Outline

This post is my outline for my final project! In only 11 more days I get to go home! :)


Introduce myself and a little bit about me and my life
~Personal shot of me in my room on my bed, talking about what
my video will be about
~What type of writer I am and explain myself
~Touch on how writing is a journey

1st Body (beginning of the journey):

Explain the pre writing process
~how I begin each writing process
~Thoughts and feelings on the beginning of the process

Talk about how I love introductions but starting is the hardest
part of the writing process for me.

Explain the problems of picking a genre best to fit project

2nd Body(middle of the journey):

Explain about gathering evidence
~How I feel and think about the process
~Chugging along

Making all things connect together

Hard section because it needs to be most powerful section

3rd Body (editing and peer reviews):

Yes, you're done with your own work but you know have to go look at other's work
~Talk about editing work and how its hard
~Peer Reviews pros and cons

Conclusion (End of Journey):

Talk about overall struggles with time management
~Review points previously talk about

End with "Goodbye Wildcats."
~Something about seeing everyone next year,
~Journey for this year is complete

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sienna!
    I really liked your "journey" theme and how you're comparing it to the writing process. I also liked how detailed you were in your outline.
    When you end up filming your video essay, maybe include examples of each step of the writing process from any of the projects we've done. This would show you reflecting on different parts of the class specifically. I think you did a good job overall and I can't wait to see the finished product!
